
home work dating app

  1. Create a private github repository
  2. install https://nestjs.com/ on “server” directory for the server side.
  3. install angular latest + theme on “client” directory, theme can be downloaded here
  4. Install docker on your computer
  5. run mysql container for your DB on docker
  6. Create a login page based on the client app and server app you created. login with GOOGLE only with profile at the end of the page.
  7. get the user age (from birth date) + zodiac (from birth date) + gender + first name 
  8. Create a onboarding wizard with this screens:
  9. Screen 1: Validation for the google info (gender, user age, first name, zodiac) and let the user fix the data
  10. Screen 2: “Looking for” radio button with “man” \ “women” 
  11. Screen 2: “Maximum distance” use range slider
  12. Screen 2: “Age range” use range slider, default +- 5 years from the user age.
  13.  On screen 2 enable location services and get the current user location.
  14. screen 3: image uploader, upload 2-10 images, use lib with progress bar.
  15. Save user to DB.
  16. Screen 4 (finish wizard) \ User profile (if already finished the wizard) : show the user image + info for read only.

google profile for login: 

const authConfig: AuthConfig = {
      issuer: ‘https://accounts.google.com’,
      strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation: false,
      clientId: ‘918981599322-p0t5ti76fhcohoucj9a3mkhsigg9b44j.apps.googleusercontent.com’,
      redirectUri: (typeof window !== “undefined”)?window.location.origin + ‘/profile’:”,
      scope: ‘openid profile email’,